Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 13!

I personally though glogster was pretty cool. I liked it much better than a poster because I feel it was much more creative when it came to the images I used. The fact that you could put music on it was probably the coolest part. You can't put music on a regular poster. The thing that caused me the most trouble was trying to fit what I wanted to say in the little caption boxes. They weren't very big so I was very limited to what I could say about my picture and my song. But overall I thought it was pretty cool. I would much rather use glogster for our final project rather than just making a plan old poster.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 12!

Newspapers in the Digital Age
Newspapers will always be relevant, no matter if its online or in print. In the video clip, a journalism student was saying that there will always be a form of newspaper. So with that in mind, why do we need print? It not only wastes paper but if more people prefer to have news online then whats the point? Also, you need to pay to have the newspaper come to your house. If its online then you can get the news for free. Of course there will always be those people who love getting the actual newspaper but soon it will be gone for good.

Future of Magazines
Technology is now taking over entire companies. Apple is so powerful now that major magazine companies are falling under Apple's spell just to remain in business. This has both positives and negatives. A positive is that once someones favorite magazine joins Apple and they have an iPhone or iPad, they can virtually read their favorite magazine for free or for cheaper then it costs to have it sent to your house. The down fall is for people who do not have the technology. Also, if magazine companies want to stay independent, eventually, they will either fail or fall to Apple is a desperate need to stay in business. It's amazing and sad how controlling Apple has become.

Osama bin Laden!
I feel that Obama should release at least photo of bin Laden's death. It doesn't need to be the picture of him with his face blown off, even just the one proving that he is the one being thrown into the ocean. Personally, I can think of tons people who are curious about these pictures, I being one of them. If someone doesn't want to see these pictures, then don't look at them...simple as that. The fact that no one, except the people who were actually there, knows that he's really dead kinda freaks me out. I am one of those people who cant believe something 100% unless I see proof. Where is the proof?

Week 11!

-The structure and concept in American families has change a lot over the past century, a perfect example of this change is through the TV sitcoms we watched in class. Families now rarely come together and have wonderful family dinners together like they did in the show Leave it to Beaver. In the episode we watched in class, every night, Beaver and his family all gathered around the table and discussed their day and the problems they have been facing. I feel now, in this day in age, families seem to be too busy to all sit down and have a nice family dinner together. That is a main example of loss of structure in the basic American family. Loss of concept is another example of change. People have completely forgot the meaning of being a family and have dropped all sense of structure then. Structure and concept are connected to one another.

-The whole goal behind a sitcom is to make the show be relatable, so if someone can relate to the problem in the story, or the characters, people will be more likely to come back and watch the show again. Sitcoms are a perfect example of portraying real life situations but making them fictional because the fictional parts to the story are what makes the show funny. For example, in the episode "Six Degrees of Graduation" on the show Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Will is at the risk of not graduating. Tons of students can relate to that. But, to make the episode funny, Will has to perform with a bunch of little kids in order to pass, which would most likely never happen. So in order to get viewers to come back and watch more, the show needs to be relatable but funny.

-A half hour is not very long for any TV show. What with the ten minutes of commercials in a thirty minute show is not a very long time. So the TV shows have to conform to that short amount of time. With every episode they have the opening scenes to set up for the main plot. That usually only takes about 3-4 minutes so that way the rest of the story can be played out. For example, in the episode "The Hair-Braided Scheme" on the show The Brady Bunch, they happened to flow the opening scenes right into the plot so there was almost no time lost. Since the time is so short, the show finds easy anf quick ways to solve the characters problems or the show speeds us time and only shows us what is important too see.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week 10!

Reality TV Shows!
-The Real World:
This show brings in 7 different "real people" to live in a house together for 3 months in a select location. The general audience is for younger adults.
-Big Brother: show also brings in 13 different people but this show is a competition where all the house guests try to be the last person in the house to win $100,000. The general audience for this show suits all ages.
-The Bachelor/Bachelorette: &
Everyone knows this show, one lucky man or woman is picked to find his/her soul mate! This show is most likely directed towards older audiences.
-America's Next Top Model:
This show selects 13 wanna-be models as the fight each other to be the next "top model". This show is suited for all ages.
The Biggest Loser:
This show is all about shedding the pounds. Competitors compete with each other to try to lose the most weight of everyone their. This is also a family show.

This shows are all similar in the fact that they are all reality TV shows. Out of all the shows I listed though, I feel The Truman Show is most like Big Brother because like Truman's show, big brother is always watching. The Truman Show is also very different from the shows I listed too because for one, his show isn't a competition and second, all the people on these TV shows know that they are on TV. Truman did not. Like The Truman Show everyone who watches these reality shows watch them the same reason why the people in the movie watch his show, its fun and entertaining and a glimpse into someone else's life.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week 9!

Parent Television Counsel: Facts and Stats:
-In considering decisions about contraceptives, STDs and sexual health choices, teens are almost as likely to get their information from TV (60%) as from a health care provider (62%). - Kaiser Family Foundation, 5/23/01
I chose this fact because I felt that this is confusing to me. From the shows I watch, you don't really get that kind of information from these shows. Yeah I guess The Secret Life of The American Teenager talks about stuff like that but really? Why would you want your information from TV shows? TV is TV. So why would anyone feel that the information (if they are even getting any) is true? If you have issues with your health, consult a doctor. Not some stupid kids and a fake TV show.
-ABC's Desperate Housewives is the most popular broadcast-network television show with kids aged 9-12 according to Nielsen stats.
I chose this fact because it really really shocked me. I watch desperate housewives...9-12 year old should not watch that show for two reasons. One, because 99% of stuff on that show 9-12 year old kids wouldn't even understand. That show has alot of sexual jokes that elementary school kids wouldn't even have the slightest idea what they are talking about. And second, there is WAY to much murder, violence, sex, and scandal in that show.

Local TV News:
1.) The information that is on all three news websites are, of course, the weather. They also all have information of some sort about the opening day of the Tigers' Game.
2.) All three sites have a story about the Tigers' Opening Day Game. They all state that the weather will not be too good on that day but the over all stories are relatively different.
3.) All the news channels obviously all have ads on them, but Channel 7 & 4 both have ads for DMC. While Channel 2 has ads for roofing and windows, all things for your home.
4.) I prefer Channel 7 because 99% of the home page is all different news stories with a wide range of topics. Its very useful and helpful.
5.)I dont think that the news will turn to the internet because I feel its harder to go online and get your news instead of just turning on your TV..

Eagle and Baby Eaglets!!!
I think this site has recieved thousands of hits solely because, how often do you get the chance to see an eagle in its nest with eggs that close up? You can see everything! While some people might not care, I seriously think its really cool to watch. This is something you rarely ever get to see. Not only is it really cool to see a Bald Eagle, but the nest itself is sweet. Its so big and very persisely made. In my Ecology class, I learned at Bald Eagles will use the same nest over and over for generations! I definately feel that because of this video, that so many more people will have more respect and understanding towards our countries bird. It is simply amazing and hopfully people will be willing now to help save this beautiful animal.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 7!

1.) Facebook- my most visited site when I'm bored and have nothing to do. This site also keeps me connected with my friends.
2.) Google- I use this site for almost everything. I use this to spell check words I dont know how to spell to getting directions. I love Google.
3.) WebMD- I tend to be a hypochondriac sometimes. So I visit this site for that and too look up things for my medical occupations class.
4.) Yahoo- My mom and i share an e-mail address when I need one so I visit this to check my e-mails
5.) Pandora- I listen to music all the time when I'm just browsing the web and I find new songs on this site also.

10 Ideas That Will Change the World
1.) Relax: You Don't Need to Worry About Meeting E.T. - I choose this article simply because I think space is one of the most amazing things anyone could even try to think about. The universe is so massive it could give anyone a headache trying to think about how large it is. There was one quote in the entire article that I felt I had the most connection too. Paul Davies said, "There's certainly a lot of real estate out there, but habitable is not the same as inhabited," he says. "I have no idea what turns non life into life. I get irritated by people who say life can emerge in earth like conditions." This, I feel, is the number one mistakes our scientists make while looking for life on other planets. Just because somethings are alive on our planet doesn't mean that other things can't survive on a different planet under a different condition...

2.) How Stem Cells Are Changing the Way We Think About Disease - Stem cells are awesome. I really hope the major development of stem cells happens in my lifetime. If stem cells can create health, why would anyone have to die a natural death? And if no one would have to die from a natural death, why couldn't we use the stem cells to help us stay young? These are all questions discussed everyday by scientist and I can help but wonder when all this talk will be but into use. This topic effects every single one of us. That blows my mind that this kind of science can be used. If this is possible, what else can be possible in the next hundred years?

3.) Sweet Bird of Youth! The Case For Optimism - I feel everyone under estimates youth. Being young and in power is an amazing pair. As part of this world's youth, I love how much I am able to do just in my own community to help out. A perfect example of youth making a difference in the world is Invisible Children. That foundation is completely run my our nations youth. Its unbelievable how much the youth impacts our life every single day. More young people are choosing to work instead of staying home and having children which is causing a large growth in our economy. This generations power and the next will only keep growing. The youth as a whole are very passionate about how they feel and will do anything to stand up for what is right.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 6!

Tragedy in Japan:
The images that most affected me were the before and after photos Mrs. J posted. I didn't even realize that complete, entire communities were literally wiped off the map. Where there were once a large suburb area, is now empty strips of land. It's simply unbelievable. The story about the dog was pretty cool too. No one really realizes how much our animals love us. Before today's viewings I really didnt know alot about the quake in Japan except that there will potentially be lots of radiation and that the damage is severe. I recently watched a TV show that talked about the quake in Japan and how next there will be a quake just like the one in Japan or maybe worse hitting the south side of the United States. A similar type of quake is forming along the Californian coast. If that happens, our country will go into chaos mode. I heard on the news that the people in Japan have remained claim and structured all through these terrible times. That amazes me because here in America, we dont handle tragedy well. Everyone freaks out and loses all sence of the law. I would hope that we could learn something from these people and this disaster because we never know when tragedy could strike us.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week 5

Locate, Post, Respond!
I chose this article to be relevant because it talks about all the perks to the ipad 2 that is coming out later this year. Many of the facts stated in this article are perfect examples of ways they can advertise this brand new Apple product. This ipad is supposed to be better then ever but critics are wondering if the makers are holding back for the ipad 3. I think it would make sense for the makers to do this but it is extremely frustrating for the consumers. If I want an ipad, I want to wait until the best one comes out. Companies love to drag out their new products but I cant stand when I buy myself thing new that I love and then a few months later they come out with a new version of it. But that's how companies make the big bucks. This new ipad is about to change the world of all technology. In the article, it says presidential candidates would benefit from studying it. I love when new things come out and change the world we know. It's always exciting.

I was extremely surprised by my scores on these quizzers. In every question there were always two answers that I thought were right. I did pretty bad on all the quizzes but I think I learned a lot. The fourth quiz I liked the most because it was all about old advertisements. I did the worst on that quiz but it was fun. I love taking quizzes like these because I always am surprised by my scores and these care free quizzes are the best.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 4

How true is advertising?
I personally cant really stand Taco Bell anymore. It always makes me feel sick when i eat it, and i was always under the impression that the meat at Taco Bell isn't really meat so i am not really surprised that they got sued. Advertising was involved in this debate because the reason Taco Bell got sued is because of false advertising. They claim in their commercials that their meat is real so that's what started this all. At least they can sorta back up they're food on their website. This claim that they have real meat still doesn't make me want to eat there. I used to love Taco Bell but i cant trust their food anymore.

1.) Facebook's "like" button- Everytime you "like" something you get ads relating to that like everytime you log on.
2.) Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle- This whole movie was based around White Castle, all the while promoting their deliscious burgers
3.) Music Videos- Singers in their music and their music videos will have certain products in their songs that they can visual advertise in their music videos.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 3

Anticipating Advertising
- All companies need advertisement
- Creates revenue
- Has massively grow in the years of the Internet
- Becoming more creative
- Mostly on television
- Changes with generations
- Great for small companies
- Helps make companies larger
- Very persuasive
- Biggest advertising day of the year is during the Superbowl
- Favorite commercials are all Target commercials

The Impact of the Internet Privacy
The fact that Borders is filling for bankruptcy is really not a surprise to me because there are so many easier and more effective ways to read books now. I have an Amazon Kindle that I absolutely love. I don't have to go out to buy my books and actually they are a lot cheaper. When the guy in that video said that Borders was one of the best business companies but just didn't keep up with the times is so true. Everyone loves Borders but they were just behind in getting their own "e-reader." I feel bad for all those people losing their jobs and I think that article could really help them find new jobs that they could keep for many years to come.

Increasing Threat to Internet Privacy
David Aitel fascinates me. I couldn't imangine having the type of job he had at my age. His advice about our biggest threat from this privacy scare is telling people on the Internet what we did last night is so true. People always think others will really care about what they did the night before, not even thinking about who is really reading that information. Colleges have been know to look at student's Facebooks before allowing them to attend their school. So what David says is absolutely true. is an insanely creepy website. Its unbelieveable to me all the information that that site can give you. Its even more crazy that this site was  made by 5 random guys that just put together all this information you could of easily found on your own.
When the reporter brought up the fact that it might actually be too late to protect yourself, it made me realize that thats probably true. Once you put out your complete information, how are you supposed to know if someone hasn't already seen it? And how are you supposed to know if it will ever be completely erased from the Internet. Google keeps their search topics from people forever. You could publicly be posting everything about you for everyone to see without you even knowing it.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 2

Did the Internet Kill Privacy?
- This article was kind of ashonishing to me because it's just another of how unprivate the internet is. The fact that you can literally find anything on the internet is kind of horrifing. But in the case of this teacher, I feel bad for her. I think that parent who saw the picture is crazy. I can't stand crazy parents like they. That teacher didn't post that picture in the hopes of her students seeing. She didn't know they could see it? So I can't understand why that parent would want to report her? And besides, everyone loves posting of pictures on Facebook. I don't balme her for wanting to put those pictures up. And just because shes a teacher with a Facebook doesn't mean she has to lose her job. I know a lot of my teachers with Facebook's and who actually become friends with their students after they graduate and there are no problems.

Superbowl Commercials
- The only reason I watch the superbowl is because I love the commercials. It's the only time I ever get excited to watch commercials. Though only few companies can afford to make these commercials, they are well worth it. If I were a company and I had to pick one time out of the entire year to make a commercial I would do in on Superbowl sunday. Everyone all over the world watches to Superbowl. Its one of the busiest televison days ever. So when there a commercials, millions and millions of people will see them. Thats why they are so expesive. It's that companies one shot to put a good name out for their business. I feel like the superbowl commercials will never die because so many people all over the world love them so much.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 1

1.) For the first quiz I got half of the questions right. I knew that 8-18 year olds spend more than 7 hours on average consuming entertainment media and that more people have died over in Iraq then people that died in the World Trade Center. I did not know that a child in Slovenia has a better chance of survival than a child who is born in the U.S. That suprised me. And I did know that there are less then 50,000 troops still in Iraq. I found it suprising that 61% of the oil from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill was disposed in communities heavily populated by people of color. I figured Guantanamo Bay hasn't been closed because thats where they are keeping the people responsible of 9/11. But I didn't know that China has more internet users than the U.S. Thats amazing. This quiz was very interesting.
The second quiz was more difficult than the first quiz. I only got 6 out of 15 right! The results at the end of the page told me that I should learn more about the media because my critical thinking skills and just as everyday knowledge. I agree with my results and I'm interested about learning more about the media!

2.) The first article from The New York Times confused me. I wasn't really sure how his story related to team work except how he used to be a paperboy and shared the work load with his friend. The second article sounded pretty standard to me. The article told me nothing I didn't already know about teamwork. That article was nothing but definitions and quotes and didn't help me understand the importance of being a team member in the work world. I really liked the last article because, to me, it was helpful. It gave me great tips that I can actually use when I get a career.

3.) This whole article is amazing. When I think of Chicago I don't think of that city being a city that's unprepared. But thats exactly what they were. They knew this major snow storm was coming and yet they didn't even consider the dangers of lake effect snow. Lake effect snow is what caused all of those cars to become stranded. I can only imagine how horrified those poor people must have been. I don't think I would of sat in my car though. I think I would have tried to find a building to say instead of being stranded in my car. But then again, how could I possibly know what I would have done? People always say they would have done something different if they were there. But who knows. I'm just glad all those people are okay. As for the class poll, I think the media made the storm to be way bigger then it actually was, as they always do anyways. The attention this snow storm got was amazing. It's winter, nnot spring, Michigan is bound to get in big snow storm. I was glad to see others agreed with me. I understand while some said it was necessary to let people know of the storm because, to a point, I agree with them. But the news was calling this The Blizzard of 2011. Come on.