Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 7!

1.) Facebook- my most visited site when I'm bored and have nothing to do. This site also keeps me connected with my friends.
2.) Google- I use this site for almost everything. I use this to spell check words I dont know how to spell to getting directions. I love Google.
3.) WebMD- I tend to be a hypochondriac sometimes. So I visit this site for that and too look up things for my medical occupations class.
4.) Yahoo- My mom and i share an e-mail address when I need one so I visit this to check my e-mails
5.) Pandora- I listen to music all the time when I'm just browsing the web and I find new songs on this site also.

10 Ideas That Will Change the World
1.) Relax: You Don't Need to Worry About Meeting E.T. - I choose this article simply because I think space is one of the most amazing things anyone could even try to think about. The universe is so massive it could give anyone a headache trying to think about how large it is. There was one quote in the entire article that I felt I had the most connection too. Paul Davies said, "There's certainly a lot of real estate out there, but habitable is not the same as inhabited," he says. "I have no idea what turns non life into life. I get irritated by people who say life can emerge in earth like conditions." This, I feel, is the number one mistakes our scientists make while looking for life on other planets. Just because somethings are alive on our planet doesn't mean that other things can't survive on a different planet under a different condition...

2.) How Stem Cells Are Changing the Way We Think About Disease - Stem cells are awesome. I really hope the major development of stem cells happens in my lifetime. If stem cells can create health, why would anyone have to die a natural death? And if no one would have to die from a natural death, why couldn't we use the stem cells to help us stay young? These are all questions discussed everyday by scientist and I can help but wonder when all this talk will be but into use. This topic effects every single one of us. That blows my mind that this kind of science can be used. If this is possible, what else can be possible in the next hundred years?

3.) Sweet Bird of Youth! The Case For Optimism - I feel everyone under estimates youth. Being young and in power is an amazing pair. As part of this world's youth, I love how much I am able to do just in my own community to help out. A perfect example of youth making a difference in the world is Invisible Children. That foundation is completely run my our nations youth. Its unbelievable how much the youth impacts our life every single day. More young people are choosing to work instead of staying home and having children which is causing a large growth in our economy. This generations power and the next will only keep growing. The youth as a whole are very passionate about how they feel and will do anything to stand up for what is right.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 6!

Tragedy in Japan:
The images that most affected me were the before and after photos Mrs. J posted. I didn't even realize that complete, entire communities were literally wiped off the map. Where there were once a large suburb area, is now empty strips of land. It's simply unbelievable. The story about the dog was pretty cool too. No one really realizes how much our animals love us. Before today's viewings I really didnt know alot about the quake in Japan except that there will potentially be lots of radiation and that the damage is severe. I recently watched a TV show that talked about the quake in Japan and how next there will be a quake just like the one in Japan or maybe worse hitting the south side of the United States. A similar type of quake is forming along the Californian coast. If that happens, our country will go into chaos mode. I heard on the news that the people in Japan have remained claim and structured all through these terrible times. That amazes me because here in America, we dont handle tragedy well. Everyone freaks out and loses all sence of the law. I would hope that we could learn something from these people and this disaster because we never know when tragedy could strike us.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week 5

Locate, Post, Respond!
I chose this article to be relevant because it talks about all the perks to the ipad 2 that is coming out later this year. Many of the facts stated in this article are perfect examples of ways they can advertise this brand new Apple product. This ipad is supposed to be better then ever but critics are wondering if the makers are holding back for the ipad 3. I think it would make sense for the makers to do this but it is extremely frustrating for the consumers. If I want an ipad, I want to wait until the best one comes out. Companies love to drag out their new products but I cant stand when I buy myself thing new that I love and then a few months later they come out with a new version of it. But that's how companies make the big bucks. This new ipad is about to change the world of all technology. In the article, it says presidential candidates would benefit from studying it. I love when new things come out and change the world we know. It's always exciting.

I was extremely surprised by my scores on these quizzers. In every question there were always two answers that I thought were right. I did pretty bad on all the quizzes but I think I learned a lot. The fourth quiz I liked the most because it was all about old advertisements. I did the worst on that quiz but it was fun. I love taking quizzes like these because I always am surprised by my scores and these care free quizzes are the best.